Image Source : You know that space where nobody, literally nobody, can enter or peek inside. You know that space that is reserved just for you. That space which begins to take form and meaning once your turn four or five. Mine took awfully long to exist. Still don’t know what I am talking about? It’s your mind! That’s the only private space we are entitled to keeping of our own. It’s where you can fill up thoughts – gossipy thoughts, revengeful thoughts, worrying thoughts, good and happy thoughts, super private thoughts (which I will let your mind fill with whatever you like). Ever wanted to peek into a mommy’s head to see what she does in her private space? I’ll tell you, because, as I see it, my private space, is not private anymore. I’ll tell you how this happened. I wake up at 6 am to complete silence. Randomly, this thought of goodness creeps into my head. I imagine myself sitting on the couch with a cup of coffee and a book. Honestly, ...